Tuesday, October 5, 2010


by Murphy Clamrod

looking back on my past
it's easy to see I lived
without a future and now
I reflect 
what's that sound
look around you

did four kids dead
kill the spark of
stop and look around you

Every great nation
marks a spot in history
a rebirth
for better
for worse
best of times die
and others are worth
a definitive mark
when one way of doing it
gives way to a new & now
is as good a time as any

why not try a state run system
call D.C. fifty-three 
 and move on

everything is in place
oversight to the people
thus returning 
accountability to politics 
fostering forced lowered
dependence of foreign fossil fuels 
killing the age of the dinosaur
berthing the dawn of ingenuity

for the first time using our power
of habitat manipulation to brighten 
turn long-term into right     now

Build a fucking train 
to run on methane
turn waste-management
into our robber barons 
at least for now

till the sun & wind
 figure out how to be
 forecastable    wait
stop look around
everything is in place
green peace

We have time zones cause 
of our star and a need to
keep track of our rails &
if the sun does not shine
or the wind don't blow then
this west coast ass will have
to eat Idaho instead of Maine roots

energy spent
energy is needed
forcing a change
in how we do it!

so embarrassingly simple 
it will take marshal law
to make 
it work 

then the change
even when it is so obvious 
unable to embrace the inevitable 
it is sick and that is what history
will tell of me and my era
 the war mongers of resources replaceable

 Bleed in the fields of shared crops
 aim at game
 waste nothing of life
 maintain sustainability
 through the means of NO supply 
 sever the head of demand 

look at whats going down

we have an opportunity for
the revolution that brings
light to the end of every 
human tunnel

strip-mine the sun
forevermore stabilize
our ozone with wind &
thermal supplements

choose to have no choice
but to adopt a hybrid greyhound 
if family has migrated cross continent 
return thanks to the gatherings of generations 

celebrate your neighbor
harvest humanity 
set the bar 
apply logic to logistics
renege on our deal with the devil
remove the finish-line from our human-race

let the starry-eyed dreamer 
we have yet to imagine
marvel at the majesty
that is existence 


  1. Do you REALLY think Kent State was a turning point? Come on, it's not like those things NEVER happened before that. America has NEVER really been amenable to protest. State run systems? Are you KIDDING? President CHARLIE CRIST of Florida??
    Then I would have a great excuse for getting my husband to leave this damn state.

  2. Im In Murphy !!! Great Piece.... I think if the poet doesnt speak out agaisnt the things that hold us down then who will... ya sure the student... but that sometimes is about rebellion.... The man with the pen glued to his hand... telling you whats on his mind... may just open the mind of others....and if not... if you disagree.... hey then guess what /// thats America ..... hope that part we can keep.... horde your books Murphy... Horde the books I really liked this !! BRAVO !!

  3. you need a full time Radio Show.

  4. that is fuckin fantastic
